Do you love reading your daily horoscope? If so, did you know that you can use astrology to create a more balanced, spiritual workplace and even uplevel your career prospects? Your star sign can help you make better decisions at work, and identify your perfect new job, too.
Whether you’re a charming Libra, an intense Scorpio, a steadfast Capricorn, or a go-with-the-flow Pisces, we’ve got all the tips you need below to ensure your work life is fulfilling, harmonious, and fun.
What’s Your Sign?

The first stage of using astrology to enhance spirituality within your workplace is understanding your own sign, and what makes you tick. Are you a fiery Aries who is fearless in sharing innovative ideas with colleagues and managers, and loves to lead from the front? Or a loyal Cancer, quick to take workmates under their wing (or shell!) and able to use their intuition to guide their professional decisions?
Spend some time getting to know your sign, particularly how this connects with your workplace “personality.” Are there certain traits that you recognize?
Consult Your Birth Chart

Getting your natal birth chart drawn is a great way to discover how to make the most of your unique astrological leanings! Finding out the positions of the planets at the exact time you were born can be an invaluable means of guiding your steps in all areas of life.
You can either have a full, in-depth natal chart drawn up by a professional, or many online sites offer free basic charts to give you an overview of your astrological makeup
Getting Off on the Right Foot

Starting a new job is tough – we’ve all been there. But if you know your astrology, you’ll have a headstart. Once you’ve figured out your new workmates’ birthdays, you’ll have a great insight into their characters and personalities via their star signs.
Use this knowledge to your advantage. Got a few Taureans in the office? Bringing in some cupcakes that both look and taste delicious is sure to go down well. And your new Piscean boss? Handwrite her a personal note to thank her for the opportunity. You’ll be a part of the team in no time!
Creating a Calm Space

No matter how busy your days are, a calm space in which to work is likely to be vital. This isn’t just about your desk’s location in the office. Your star sign can help you create a zen den, even in the most manic of workplaces.
Libras, for example, are likely to benefit from prettifying their desk with pictures, little ornaments, and tasteful knickknacks, while Capricorns will find organization key to a happy life, and will get a kick out of neat file folders and impeccably-arranged desk compartments.
Embrace Your Element

Whether you’re a fabulous Fire sign, a sensuous Earth element, a clever, can’t-pin-you-down Air sign, or a dreamy Water baby, embracing your element at work is a great way to enhance your spiritual connection on the daily.
Incorporate your element’s essence into your work day. For example, Fire signs could organize their diary to mix things up as much as possible every day, rather than spending hours and hours on a single task, while Air signs could take some time to read or study during their lunch breaks.
Guided Goal Setting

The new moon is the perfect time to set goals and intentions. If there’s a new work project you’ve been thinking about starting, or some training you’re considering taking up, now’s the time to get planning.
Setting intentions during the new moon is a powerful practice. As part of this process, visualize the desired outcome: see it in detail, and experience the sensations that come up. See yourself successfully completing that project, or getting a promotion after attending that training course.
Let the Full Moon Guide Your Steps

All zodiac signs feel the full moon’s energy differently, and understanding this can be really helpful when making business decisions or handling your workload. Scorpios will likely feel a surge of energy and determination during this time, while Virgos may find it difficult to focus.
For Pisces the full moon is particularly profound: during this time the Fish will become super-productive, and the creative ideas will come thick and fast. The full moon is often when Pisces’ resolve is strongest.
Ready to Ask for a Raise?

If you’re considering asking your boss for a raise, good for you! But first, consider your sign. Fire signs need to be wary of being impatient: choose the right moment, no matter how keen you are to climb the next rung of the ladder.
Earth signs would do well to ensure their proposal conveys their passion for the job, while Air signs should make sure they put their case forward clearly and concisely. And Water signs? Well, simply building up the courage to ask is the main thing.
Getting Ready to Move Forward

Do you have a big workplace decision to make and are keen to use astrology to help? Using the period of a Mercury retrograde (when the planet appears to be moving backward in the sky) to contemplate and plan your next steps is a great idea. And once Mercury appears to move forward again, it’s your cue to act.
In 2024 Mercury retrogrades will occur from 21st to 24th April, August 4th to 27th, and November 25th to December 15th.
Follow the Sun to Your Dream New Job

Where the sun currently sits in the zodiacal sky can have a major impact on your mood and energy levels, and can even affect the events going on around you – including in the workplace.
Consult an online chart to find out which sign the sun sits in right now to help you navigate your professional life. Thinking of going for a new job? Take action when the sun is in Aries to harness this sign’s vibrant, optimistic vibe, which loves the adventure of a new start.
Dealing with a Tricky Office Environment

Coming into a workplace where there’s an atmosphere is never pleasant. Whether there are a couple of colleagues not getting on, or a generally cliquey atmosphere is the norm, you can use astrology to help smooth things over.
Remember we just spoke about the importance of finding out in which sign the sun is currently sitting? Well, taking reconciliatory action when the sun’s in Libra is your best bet to mend relationships and get things back on track.
Building the Perfect Team

How well a team gels together is vital in terms of the overall office vibe. Get it right, and you’ll have a harmonious work environment; get it wrong and you’ll have all sorts of trouble. But astrology can help.
Build a team based on their astrological compatibility. For example, Aries tend to work well with fellow Fire sign Sagittarius as well as Gemini, while if you have too many Librans and Capricorns together on a team you could be headed for choppy waters.
Beware of Bombast

Leadership requires confidence, no doubt about it. But when Jupiter is in Leo, beware of bombast. It can be a fine line, but when this expansive planet is in exuberant Leo, it’s easy for self-assurance to slide into hubris. Knowing this, however, can help you guard against it.
There’s no need to worry, though, you’ve got plenty of time to get prepared. The next time Jupiter enters Leo is at the end of June 2026!
Under the Moon

Where the moon is in the sky on any given day can also have a profound effect on your daily life. So, when the moon is in Gemini, this is the time for getting to grips with short-term problems; business trips taken are likely to be successful, too.
Need to create some strong professional alliances or keen to network? Do so when the moon is in Aquarius to see spectacular results. But be sure to step carefully when the moon is in Scorpio.
Opportunities for Development

Is there something holding you back in career progression but you can’t put your finger on what? Are colleagues routinely promoted while you miss out? Look at where the planet Saturn is in both your birth chart and today’s skies to help find the answer.
Saturn points us in the direction of growth, and the challenges we must overcome to reach our full potential in all spheres of life. The planet can show us where our mistakes lie, and how to change our approach.
Harnessing Astrological Energy

Keeping a journal for twenty-eight days (during which time the moon will have moved through all twelve zodiac signs) is a great way to figure out how you react to different astrological energies.
This knowledge is invaluable in the workplace. If you know, say, that when the moon is in Leo you feel energized, this could be the ideal time to take on a new project. If you’re aware that the moon in Aquarius has you feeling unsettled, this is the time to prioritize self-care.
Always Be Mindful

No matter what your or your colleagues’ zodiac signs (and whether or not they’re interested in astrology) embracing mindfulness in the workplace is a key means of boosting spirituality and creating a more positive environment. Take care in both your actions and words, notice how people treat and react to each other, and consider whether there are ways to improve this.
Being fully aware of your words and actions is one of the most effective ways to bring your spirituality to work with you, and be sure that everything you do aligns with your values.
Aries: Fanning the Flames

If you’re an Aries, routine likely isn’t your best friend. Look for work environments in which you’re free to use your initiative, hop from task to task, and express your innovative ideas. You’re a natural leader, so management roles could suit you well – as long as you can still be hands-on.
Watch that temper, though: you may find yourself often feeling frustrated with colleagues and wanting to lash out. Give yourself sufficient headspace to avoid this, and an outlet for all that Fire energy. Dance class at lunchtime, anyone?
Taurus: Taking Care

Calm Taureans are unlikely to thrive in particularly manic work environments. They enjoy stability, and building something to last is important to the Bull, whether this is in the physical or spiritual sense. They’re great team members, too, typically offering solid support for others.
Taurus needs to feel they have achieved something meaningful at the end of each day, so it’s important that, in whatever profession they find themselves in, they make time every day to reflect on what they’ve accomplished.
Gemini: Spark of Genius

With their love of discovering how things work – including people! – Geminis need work that’ll challenge their quick minds. They are great communicators and are a great sign for pulling even the most eclectic of teams together.
If you’re a Gemini, you may be prone to overworking: you get so caught up in the fascination of what you’re doing that you find yourself arriving early to work and leaving late. Don’t forget to schedule in some downtime to properly recharge.
Cancer: Keeping the Home Fires Burning

If you’re a Cancer you may well benefit from a job that you can work at least partially from home. The Crab loves nothing more than the peace and security of their own home – but be sure to make time to check in with colleagues for online meetings and group calls to avoid feeling isolated.
Be mindful of taking things too much to heart. Cancerians are notoriously sensitive, so before retreating into your shell, think carefully about whether a colleague really meant to offend you, or if their words have been taken out of context.
Leo: A Roaring Success

As a Leo, your vibrancy and energy are so strong it empowers those around you: your presence alone can uplift the entire workplace! Look for jobs that facilitate self-expression, and that will make the most of your brave and playful nature.
In the workplace, Leos have a tendency to step on toes and come across as a little bossy. With all that energy, it happens. Being aware of this can help you soothe any bruised egos (and toes!) and avoid more serious issues developing.
Virgo: The Team Player

Virgos love a project. Incredibly intelligent and practical, this sign is able to see the big picture and hone in on the little details, making them a dream to have on any team. They rarely complain – if you’re a Virgo yourself, raising things you’re unhappy with could be a beneficial area to focus on.
More than any other sign, Virgos are prone to take work home with them. Try to get out of this habit if you can, even if it means letting go of some of that famous Virgo perfectionism.
Libra: A Fine Balancing Act

For Librans, harmony is everything. Getting the work-life balance right is absolutely vital for this sign, whose very well-being is determined by a sense of harmony (or otherwise). Librans will thrive in work that they really believe in, and on projects that spark their sense of fun.
To further develop in the workplace, Libra could work on standing up for themselves or delivering constructive criticism, which they find particularly difficult to do. Again, Librans love harmony and hate rocking the boat.
Scorpio: Passion and Purpose

If you’re a Scorpio, you won’t need to be told that you thrive in a competitive atmosphere! Choosing a role that gives you scope to do this, and within a team that values your intensity when working on a project, will bring you career satisfaction.
There’s no other sign in the zodiac that matches Scorpio for focus and determination of purpose: if you have a career goal, you’ll achieve it. But just be a little careful of people’s feelings as you climb the ladder; everyone knows the Scorpion has a sting in its tail.
Sagittarius: Hitting Your Career Targets

Dynamic, adventurous, and free-spirited Sagittarius will thrive in a job that doesn’t feel restrictive, and where their innovative ideas and trailblazing concepts will be appreciated. Anything too routine is unlikely to sit well with rambling Sagittarius.
If you were born under the sign of the Archer, you have a wonderful natural curiosity and a love of fun. If your workplace isn’t fulfilling on this score, it’s vital to nurture hobbies and outside interests that meet these needs.
Capricorn: Salt of the Earth

As a Capricorn, you’ll know that a lack of focus on work will never be a problem for you. In fact, loosening up and letting go of the reins a little can be one of the biggest challenges that this star sign faces!
A challenging career that offers the opportunity to progress will probably be perfect: and management roles in particular are likely to suit you, due to your focus and diligence. Just don’t forget to cut loose once in a while!
Aquarius: The Creative Idealist

Aquarians are the zodiac’s artisans. They love to experiment and work in groups, where ideas can be bounced around. For this sign, it’s all about collective benefits, and they’ll do best seeking out roles where they feel they can make a real difference – to the community or the world!
As an Aquarius, keep your equilibrium in the workplace by ensuring you sometimes get your own space. While you might enjoy being surrounded by others, you need time alone to recharge now and again.
Pisces: Going with the Flow

As a Pisces, one of your biggest career strengths is the ability to be flexible, and change course at a moment’s notice if a new approach is called for. You’re also highly intuitive: if your gut has something to say about a career decision, it’s probably right.
Corporate culture is something that many Fish struggle with, and even come to resent. Due to this, the entrepreneurial or artistic routes are ones often sought out by this sign.