Your astrological birth chart (also known as your natal chart) provides a snapshot of the sky at the very moment of your birth. To find it, you need to know your exact time, as well as your date, of birth, along with where you were born.
The key elements of your birth chart include your zodiac sign and the position of the planets when you were born, alongside the various aspects and angles of celestial bodies. The information from your birth chart can provide a profound insight into your personality, life experiences, and relationships.
Getting Started: Your Zodiac Sign

Even without knowing your astrological birth chart, you’re sure to know your zodiac sign. It’s where the Sun was at the moment of your birth. If you’re an Aries, this is the constellation the Sun was in when you were born.
Your Sun sign is your core personality, the essence of your being, your drive, and your outward consciousness. If your Sun sign is Libra, you’ll have a profound need for harmony and justice and will draw others with your charm, wit, and grace.
The Role of the Planets

The position of the planets in the sky at your moment of birth is an important aspect of your birth chart. Each planet is associated with a specific aspect or element of your life. For example, Mercury is linked to communication, while Neptune’s remit is creativity, intuition, and dreams.
Where each planet lies in your birth chart signals your innate strengths, along with the challenges and opportunities you are likely to experience on your soul’s journey.
The Astrological Houses

Your birth chart is divided into twelve houses, with the first house always being your Rising Sign. Each house is associated with a different aspect of your life, and the location of the planets and signs within these houses is crucial to understand and interpret your chart.
The ruling planets of each house can provide insights into the particular life areas that they influence. For example, the House Ruler of the second house, which is associated with possessions, is Venus. More on this shortly.
What is Each House Associated With?

The first house is the House of the Self, the second is the House of Possessions, the third is the House of Communication, the fourth is the House of Family and Home, the fifth is the House of Pleasure, or Romance, and the sixth is the House of Health.
The seventh house is that of Partnership, the eighth is the House of Transformation, the ninth is the House of Philosophy or Purpose, and the tenth is the House of Social Standing or Enterprise. The eleventh is the House of Friendship and the twelfth is the House of the Unconscious.
What is a House Ruler?

The planet that rules a house’s zodiac sign is called its House Ruler. Understanding the inherent qualities of each of these rulers can further help you interpret your birth chart. The ruler of the first house is Mars, Venus rules the second house, and Mercury rules the third.
The Moon rules the fourth house, The Sun the fifth, Mercury (again!) the sixth, and Venus the seventh. The eighth house is ruled by Pluto, the ninth by Jupiter, and the tenth by Saturn. Uranus rules the eleventh house and Neptune the twelfth.
The Ascendant: Your Outward Aspect

Your Ascendant (also known as your Rising Sign) is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth and is the beginning of the first house of your birth chart.
The Ascendant represents your outward aspect, or social ‘mask.’ It’s connected to your self-identity, and demeanor, and can even influence your physical appearance. The Ascendant relates to traits you recognize in yourself, whereas your Descendant speaks to how others perceive you.
The Descendant: Delving Deeper

In your birth chart, the Descendant is directly opposite your Ascendant, lying at the cusp of the seventh house. It’s closely associated with how we interact with others and manage our relationships, as well as the type of people we’re likely to be attracted to, in terms of both friendship and romance.
It’s easy to find out your Descendant once you know your Ascendant: the former is always directly opposite the latter on a zodiacal wheel. You can find and print such a wheel online.
What Do the Planets’ Aspects Mean?

Next up in our astrological birth chart 101 crash course: planetary aspects. An aspect refers to planets’ positions relative to each other, and there are five major ones to consider when analyzing your birth chart. These are conjunctions, squares, sextiles, trines, and opposites.
How the planets were aligned in these aspects at the moment of our birth provides powerful clues to our personalities and strengths, and the challenges we’re likely to experience. Understanding each of the conjunctions can greatly help us to become more self-aware.
Conjunctions: Partnerships of Planets

A conjunction refers to when two planets are swimming close together, and through the same sign. Conjunctions are generally associated with energies intensifying and merging, and may exert a powerful influence on an individual’s life.
Conjunctions are typically positive, often bringing opportunities or chances for beneficial change – if our minds are open and we’re brave enough to grab them. If you have the Sun and Jupiter as conjunct planets in your Tenth House, you’re likely to be daring and entrepreneurial in your career.
Squares: Squaring Up

An astrological square in your birth chart is when two planets are around ninety degrees apart from each other. Hold on tight, as a tug of war is on the celestial cards with this aspect! Squares in your birth chart reveal where conflicting elements of your personality lie.
Squares can also identify areas in our lives where we may struggle to find balance. Knowing this is invaluable, allowing us to course correct through self-reflection and work around personal growth.
Sextiles: Smooth Energy

When two planets are around sixty degrees apart in your birth chart, you have a sextile on your hands. This is a much easier-going pairing than a square: it represents areas of your life that are in harmony and generally stress-free.
Sextiles between houses can point to where two aspects of your life or personality can be fused to great success. Let’s say you have a Venus sextile Mars. You’ll likely have a fantastic capacity to not only overcome problems but create goodwill as you do so.
Trines: Twin Energy

When a pair of planets are approximately 120 degrees apart, this is an astrological trine. In your birth chart, trines indicate areas in which you have natural talent and an easy flow of energy. Trines point to the direction you need to take to enjoy the most fulfilled life experience possible.
Harmony, luck, and ease are the watchwords of trine conjunctions. If you find a trine in your birth chart sitting in air signs, you’re blessed with wonderful powers of expression and communication, for example.
Gorgeous Grand Trines

Grand trines in a natal chart are rare, but they do occur! They are when three or more planets come together in a perfect equilateral triangle on the wheel of the zodiac. Each is in the same element, with one planet transiting through every one of the three signs in that element.
What does this actually look like on paper (or in the sky)? Someone with a fire Grand Trine in their natal chart will have at least one planet in all three fire signs, creating a personality that’s extra vibrant, adventurous, and capable of getting things done.
Oppositions: Opportunity Through Adversity

An opposition occurs when two planets are around 180 degrees apart. While this conjunction may highlight areas of difficulty or tension, it also brings significant opportunities for growth and integration. Maintaining the right mindset is key!
If you were born when the Sun and Moon were in opposition, you could find it tricky to balance your inner and outer aspects. How you appear and your true self could be poles apart; or perhaps your needs and wants feel out of balance.
North Node: Karmic Guidance

Where the nodes (nodes of the moon) lie in your birth chart sheds some thought-provoking light on your life’s deepest purpose and destiny. The north node is associated with the experiences and lessons we are destined to have and learn in this lifetime and is about pushing ourselves to fulfill our potential on a holistic level.
If you have a north node in Aries, your life’s lessons are likely to revolve around developing independence, initiative, and courage, whereas a north node in Pisces points to the importance of finding deeper meaning in life, and letting go of perceived limitations.
House of the North Node

As well as looking at the zodiac sign that your north node is in, it’s also illuminating to discover in which house it sits. This can give you vital insight into your destiny, and how this is likely to manifest over the course of your life.
If you find that your north node sits in the twelfth house, this suggests that your life path is connected to fostering unity and love, and your karma is highly spiritual and humanitarian.
South Node: Old Souls

The south node is all about that feeling of familiarity: qualities that come naturally to you, patterns you always follow to achieve success, and even abilities carried over from previous lifetimes. This node can be about both innate gifts and familiar habits and mindsets that can hold us back.
A south node in Libra suggests a deep-rooted need for harmony and balance, that you feel you were born with. Diplomacy is likely to come naturally to you – but be careful not to become so diplomatic that your own perspective gets lost.
House of the South Node

Just as we can look at which house our north node is found in, we can also discover in which house our south node rests. This can reveal the energetic ways in which we resist change in our lives.
Those with a south node in the sixth house may find it particularly challenging to work with others as part of a team, while individuals who have a south node in the fourth house could find themselves clinging to old beliefs, even when they’re no longer serving this person’s highest good.
A Look at the Position of Chiron

As part of reading our birth chart, we can also take a look at the position of the asteroid Chiron when we were born. Chiron’s location at this time represents that which we need to heal inside ourselves. It points to our deepest emotional scars – and how these can also be our greatest strength.
Chiron in the third house suggests past hurts connected to expression or perception: you may have been an extremely shy kid. But this is also your profound strength, and you’re likely to have a wonderful ability to write, speak, or otherwise creatively express yourself. Even if you don’t know it yet.
Other Notable Asteroids in Astrology

As well as Chiron, you can find out the position of other notable asteroids in your birth chart, These include Ceres, which informs how we can best create wellness in our lives, and Pallas, which links to our ability to solve problems and identify connections and patterns.
Juno suggests where and how we’re likely to find love and how our partners may affect our lives. The asteroid Vesta offers insights into our professional and personal goals, and our ability to remain motivated as we work towards them.
Putting all the Astrological Information Together

Now you’ve worked through your chart and found all the relevant information regarding signs, houses, conjunctions, and everything else, it’s time to put this all together. While this may seem a daunting task, you’ll soon begin to see patterns and correspondences.
You could start by assessing whether you have lots of planets in one house, or if there’s a marked proliferation of Water elements in your chart. Work intuitively, and by feel, as you integrate all of this astrological information.
Everyday Benefits of Using Your Birth Chart

You may be surprised at just how many benefits there are to being able to read and understand your birth chart. From developing better self-awareness and self-care practices to navigating new relationships, the power of your natal chart is vast.
You can apply the knowledge gleaned from your birth chart in everyday situations, helping you to understand your go-to reactions to events, manage challenges and opportunities, and generally live a more fulfilled and happier life.
Building Self-Awareness

The key benefit of reading and understanding your birth chart is that this fosters better self-awareness. If you’re a Pisces and find you have a Capricorn Ascendant, this could explain your tendency to adopt an ‘I’ve got this!’ attitude even when everything’s crumbling around your ears and you really need some help.
Awareness comes from understanding, and your birth chart reveals the clues to your personality that can both unlock opportunities, solve recurring issues, and transform unhelpful thought patterns.
Providing Career Insights

Consult your birth chart to get a better handle on your career path, and ensure that your work and home life align perfectly. Look to the planets present in your tenth house, which is associated with the career.
If you find Neptune hanging out in your tenth house you’re likely to feel happiest in a role that allows you to innovate, and even forge your own path. ‘Conventional’ workplaces and highly structured hours are likely to grate.
Navigating Relationships and Romance

Astrological birth charts are particularly useful when it comes to navigating your love life. Firstly, you can consult which planets are in your fifth house, which will give you a clue as to how you manage relationships and the type of partners you’re attracted to.
You can also compare your natal chart with your partner’s (or potential partner’s!) to see how compatible you are. Sun signs Taurus and Cancer are a typically fantastic match – and all the better if their Ascendant and Moon signs are complimentary, too.
Nurturing Family and Home Life

Take a look at what’s happening in your fourth house for an insight into the type of family dynamic and home life you need to thrive. See a Moon and Jupiter conjunction? You’ll bring a deep sense of intuition to your family connections, intuiting what your loved ones need and why.
This conjunction also suggests an expansive, joyous home life, where every member of the household is upheld and encouraged to fulfill their potential. Such a conjunction gently suggests being mindful regarding a tendency towards idealism, however.
Dealing with Adversity

Look to squares and oppositions in your birth chart to see in which areas of your life challenges are likely to arise. This allows you to reflect, and deploy a different reaction or solution – hopefully leading to a different outcome.
For example, if Saturn squares the Sun in your natal chart, you will be relentless in your efforts to overcome obstacles, and will (almost!) always be successful. But at the same time, your tendency to be overly self-critical is likely to cause you unnecessary stress. Don’t worry: you’re already bossing it!
Welcoming Opportunities and Positive Change

To help figure out how you can make the most of life’s opportunities – be this in terms of your career, love life, or anything else – discover which trines are present in your birth chart. If Saturn and the Moon are trine this points to an innate ability to both understand, analyze, and communicate your emotions.
These trines give you valuable clues to not only the direction from which opportunities are likely to present themselves to you but how to react to them for the best possible result.
Navigating Life by the Stars

Understanding your astrological birth chart and how to read it offers profound opportunities for self-reflection, course correction, and generally living your best celestial life! And getting started may be easier than you think, using the guide above.
Whether you’re interested in finding out how to better connect with your partner, want to know ways to avoid conflict at work, or would love to work on your self-esteem, the heavens could hold the answers you seek.