If we imagined US states as people, then their birthdates would be the date when they were founded and became officially recognized by the US government.
When looking at states under a zodiac analysis lens, do they share qualities with the signs they were “born under?” Do the qualities these states possess reflect the general conception of their populations by others?

The state of California was officially founded on September 9, 1850. Under the zodiac astrological system, this would make the state of California a Virgo.
Virgos have positive traits of being kind and hardworking but also tend to be compulsive, picky, uptight, and over-thinkers.
New York

Although having a history as a territory for hundreds of years prior, New York officially became a state on July 26, 1788. This would make New York state a Leo under the Zodiac, represented by a Lion.
Leos are charismatic and full of creativity but can also be held back by arrogance, a tendency to seek attention, and a struggle to handle criticism.

Florida became state on March 3, 1845. With a March 3rd founding date, this would mean Florida is born under the Pisces zodiac sign.
Pisces are known for their ability to work together thanks to high emotional intelligence and are able to see the truth behind things. However, if they aren’t careful Pisces’ emotional intelligence can make them intolerant of others’ views and quick to dismiss other’s opinions.

The territory of Texas became an official US State on December 29, 1845, but did not become formally transferred until February 19, 1846.
Going by its official statehood date, Texas is a Capricorn which is a sign known for its leadership, honesty, and independence. However, Capricorns can also be unforgiving and stubborn, with their tendency to always tell the truth bringing them in conflict with others.

The state of Arizona became the 48th recognized state on February 14, 1912. Those born on February 14th are considered to be born under the sign of Aquarius.
Aquarius is a water sign that is known for people born under it possessing intelligence and an analytical mindset. However, their intelligence can make them feel superior to others, which can cause them to reject rules and try to do things their own way.
South Carolina

On May 23, 1788, South Carolina officially became a state in the Union, making it the eighth state and one of the original 13 states.
A May 23 birthdate makes South Carolina a Gemini. Gemini’s are known for their charisma and outgoing nature. However, when this nature is taken to extremes, they can have two different faces that they show people, leading to accusations of duplicity.

The state of Illinois officially joined the union of US states on December 3, 1818. This birthdate makes the state of Illinois a Sagittarius.
A person born under the Sagittarius sign has a tendency to be optimistic and carefree; but possesses a flippant attitude which can also cause them to be perceived as blunt and hot-tempered when taken negatively. Their carefree nature can also cause them to be messy.

On April 28, 1788, the small area of Maryland became the seventh official US state. Originally larger, its area was reduced after the formation of the District of Columbia.
Those born on April 28 are considered to possess the sign of Taurus, the bull. As their name suggests, they can be aggressive and bullying. However, positive Taurus traits include loyalty, dependability, and tenacity.

Becoming an official state on October 31, 1864, makes the state of Nevada a Scorpio. Nevada made its presence known just days before the presidential election in the largest and most costliest transmission by telegraph ever.
Scorpios are infamous for being secretive, vengeful, and possessive, but they are desired for their passion, bravery, and ambition.

The state of Wyoming was granted statehood on July 10, 1890. As the 44th state of the United States, Wyoming was born under the sign of Cancer.
Cancers are known for being nurturing and nostalgic. However, their tendency to hang onto the past and others can lead some to think they are clingy, which causes Cancers to become clawing and resentful.
Puerto Rico

Although Puerto Rico is not officially a US state, it has been a US territory since October 18, 1917, making its people US citizens. Being born on October 18 makes Puerto Rico a Libra.
Libras are known for being famously indecisive, but make up for it with a balanced and idealistic perspective. They tend to be sought out for their fairness and can be very romantic.