Has anyone ever told you that you radiate positive energy? Or maybe you’ve been told that your negative energy is rubbing off on others. Either way, these terms are related to your aura. To put it simply, your aura is a type of electromagnetic energy that radiates around your living body. It consists of different colors, each color representing a different spiritual state.
Your aura depends on many different aspects at any given moment such as current emotions, mental health stage, physical wellbeing, and spiritual state. There can be any combination of colors, showing others around you what type of energy you reflect.
What is an Aura Made up of?

Each color that makes up your aura represents something different. The colors are present in different varieties and vibrancies, making up the aura that is specific to you as a whole and manifesting yourself altogether.. The different colors in your aura interact and connect with each other to influence your wellbeing.
The energy that emanates from someone in the form of their aura is not drastic and can be hard to see. If someone has a lot of one specific color in their aura, others can infer that the traits associated with that color is a big part of their personality.
What Does Each Color Mean?

If one has red in their aura, it means they are energetic and passionate. They are motivated to work hard for what they want. Orange means someone is creative. They strive to create new things and are confident in themselves and their abilities. Yellow auras define someone who is inspired and optimistic. They are a friend to all and attract people to them with their social skills.
Green in one’s aura is defined as being nurturing and compassionate. They go through life being open to new relationships and are extremely grounded. If one has blue in their aura, they tend to be more skilled communicators. They are able to explain themselves and be honest. Indigo in an aura means someone is intuitive and can make decisions on a deeper level. Lastly, violet in an aura is related to a deeper spiritual connection. They are connected to a deeper spiritual plane and can see situations for what they truly are.
What is my Own Aura?

Though aura’s usually can’t be seen, there are a few ways to figure out what color your aura is. The first method is to get an aura reading, a process in which healers will evaluate the vibrations emanating from your body to analyze your aura.
Another way to learn what your aura is self reflection and meditation. Because the color of your aura is dependent on how you’re feeling based on what’s going on around you, taking the time to focus on yourself, take deep breaths, and acknowledge your feelings and personality traits, will assist you in identifying the colors of your own aura.
Is my Aura Always the Same?

Your aura is always changing and adjusting based on your surroundings. It can change depending on the emotions you’re currently experiencing, if you’re physically ill, or if a drastic event occurs around you. Some people are also more inclined to absorb the energy of others due to being more empathetic, a case in which their auras change more frequently.
However, because your aura is based on your true personality at its core, there are specific colors or aspects of it that will always be present. Additionally, while the overall colors may stay the same, the frequency and vibrancy of those details can change as well.
What is a Cloudy Aura?

Because an aura is a visual representation of colors, in some cases, people may have an unclear or cloudy aura. This is due to emotional, physical, or mental blockages.
In order to clear a cloudy aura, one has to work through their emotional distress. If a specific color appears murky to someone that can see your aura, like an aura reader, that can help one identify which emotional aspects of their life they need to pay more attention to.
How can I Cleanse my Aura?

There are a few methods for cleansing your aura. The first method is smudging, which involves using sage. While the sage burns, it’s important to set your intentions to cleanse your aura and focus on breathing. This will lead to balance within the body.
Another method for cleansing your aura is to use crystals, like selenite or clear quartz. Making sure your crystals are charged and cleansed, you can hold the crystals and focus on the aspects of your aura that feel like they are off and need to be cleansed. Some other methods that can be used are positive affirmations, bathing in a salt bath, and engaging in Reiki.
Do Auras Actually Exist?

While there is no specific scientific evidence towards the true existence of auras, analyzing one’s aura is a practice that has been carried out for many years and has been a way for people to connect with their deeper spiritual selves.
The presence of auras is metaphysical rather than scientific, therefore the concept connects more to a strong belief rather than physical evidence. Some people believe in auras and some don’t, however the core belief that all objects radiate some form of energy is a belief that many hold.
Can I see Other People’s Auras?

Some people have the ability to see the auras of other people. It’s a skill that can be obtained naturally or with practice. If someone is extremely intuitive and perceptive, it will be easier for them to see someone else’s aura.
With meditation and focus, one can learn to see others’ auras. It allows them to perceive the characteristics and personality of others around them. They can make conclusions about the authenticity of someone’s character and the true intentions of others.
Protect Your Inner Peace

Knowing what may trigger a change in your aura will help you protect your balance and keep harmony within your body. You can properly fuel yourself with the resources you need to stay tranquil and lot let anything phase you.
Trust yourself and your intuition when it comes to exploring your aura. You may not be able to see it the first time, and that’s okay. Connecting to your deeper spiritual self takes time. Trust yourself and your healing process!
Alluring Auras

While there isn’t much scientific evidence proving the existence of auras, many people feel passionate about an aura’s ability to explain personality traits and emotions on a spiritual plane. Working with one’s aura allows them to understand themselves and the way they operate.
Analyzing and paying close attention to one’s aura can allow someone to forge a deeper understanding of themselves as a whole. The colors that make up one’s aura represent both how someone is feeling as well as how someone tends to respond in different situations.